Thirty Years and Countless Achievements. The OECD and Mexico from the Perspective of the OECD Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean

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Mario López-Roldán


This article reflects on the relationship between the OECD and Mexico as a mutually beneficial and transformative process. It discusses how Mexico has benefited from membership and at the same time made invaluable contributions to the Organisation’s essence, knowledge and sensibility. Focusing mainly on the Gurría and Cormann eras, it analyzes how these secretary-generals have helped strengthen these interactions, this complex interdependence, each in their own unique way, while envisaging a new chapter in collaboration with the OECD that proposes strong support for the administration of Mexico’s first female president.

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Cómo citar
López-Roldán, Mario. 2024. «Thirty Years and Countless Achievements. The OECD and Mexico from the Perspective of the OECD Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean». Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, n.º 130 (noviembre):47-57.