Los mexicanos en Estados Unidos como actores políticos transnacionales

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Carlos Heredia Zubieta


U.S. political actors take numerous decisions that have a significant impact on Mexico, such as nafta in the 1990s and, at present, the potential reform of U.S. migration laws. As a result, Mexicans find themselves in contrasting positions: some voices in the government believe that Mexicans should not meddle in affairs which the United States strictly considers as domestic policy, whereas others in academia and civil society organizations are convinced that the U.S. political process can be influenced if there is an intelligent strategy in place. Carlos Heredia’s article deals with the citizen diplomacy of non-governmental actors, particularly Mexicans in the United States. Firstly, the author looks at the migrant networks, its binational nature and its association with other civil society organizations, and he sets out the processes through which migrant organizations influence policy, both in Mexico and the United States. He continues by outlining the position that Mexican migrants have in Mexican foreign policy, in global platforms and in the affairs of North and Central America and the Caribbean. At the end of the article, he includes his conclusions and proposals for strengthening the influence of Mexicans abroad in their role as transnational political actors.

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Cómo citar
Heredia Zubieta, Carlos. 2022. «Los Mexicanos En Estados Unidos Como Actores políticos Transnacionales». Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, n.º 98 (marzo):167-95. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/469.