El reto asiático: ¿oportunidades o amenazas?

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Paul A. Laudicina


In his evaluation of the economic rise of China and the challenges and opportunities this poses for the rest of the world — articularly
North America and specifically Mexico—, the author points out that few nations have undergone such rapid and drastic change as China since the seventies. Today, China is the largest consumer market in the world and the main receptor of direct foreign investment (DFI). Nonetheless, China still has obstacles to overcome, such as an aging population and a pressing need for resources and investment in infrastructure. Laudicina spells out the repercussions of China’s economic success on Mexico, which has now been ousted from its place as the United States’ second-most-important trading partner. However, Mexico does have certain advantages over its Asian competitor, namely the fact that it forms part of the world’s most dynamic international market, which, in turn, stands to benefit from China’s prosperity.

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Cómo citar
Laudicina, Paul A. 2022. «El Reto asiático: ¿oportunidades O Amenazas?». Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, n.º 70 (marzo):61-73. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/904.