The Cultural Governance Principles of MONDIACULT 2022: Ten Ideas Critical to a Substantive Debate

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César Villanueva Rivas


This article examines key aspects of the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development of 1982 (MONDIACULT 1982) and the Stockholm Intergovernmental Conference of 1998 (Stockholm 1998) to identify common themes and challenges. The author then suggests ten ideas intended to prompt substantive debate on contemporary cultural phenomena that could serve as the basis for proposals to be included in the final declaration of MONDIACULT 2022, with a view to promoting a constructive, integral and inclusive view of the world’s cultures.

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Cómo citar
Villanueva Rivas, César. 2022. «The Cultural Governance Principles of MONDIACULT 2022: Ten Ideas Critical to a Substantive Debate». Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, n.º 123 (agosto):95-111.

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