Toward lhe Integration ofNuclear Weapon-Free Zones in (he Southern liemisphere

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Andrea García-Guerra


This essay analyzes in fírst place, the direct cvents that originated in the "nuclear weapons-free zone in the southern hcmispherc and adjacent zones" resolution recently approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Secondly, it examines the conceptual framework in which this initiative takes place, closely tied to the rrreaty oC TIatelolco and other treaties that followed along the road that Treaty inaugurated. Later, important convergences are studied in the establishment of weapons-free zoncs, a measure that seems expressly destinated to create a nuclear weapons-free southern hemisphere. Byway of conclusion, the las t section of the essay reflects on the importance of the initiative for a nuclear weapons-frec zone in the southcrn hemisphere and adjacent zones as aD explicit manifestation ofa growing claim by the international cornmunity for a new nuclear disarmament law.

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How to Cite
García-Guerra, Andrea. 2022. “Toward Lhe Integration OfNuclear Weapon-Free Zones in (he Southern Liemisphere”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 50 (April):78-90.