Commercial Relations between Mexico and the European Union

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Fernando de Mateo


The process of European integration that has lcd to the European Union (EU) has, since its inception, been an important example for many Nations. Given that the processes of integration followed by various groups of Nations have differed considerably, the first section of this essay describes the different kinds of integration, to study and analyze the EU’s antecedents, and the tendency of its member Nations towards economic unity or total integration. The second section underlines the relative importance of Mexico and the EU in the global commerce of goods and services: it analyzes the reach of intra-European commerce in the total commerce of EU Nations, underlines Mexico's role in extracommunitary commerce, and compares our Nation's foreign commerce with that of other Nations, with which the EU maintains important economic ties. The third and final section focuses upon the commerce which exists between Mexico and the EU: it compares commercial policies and preferential systems, both in the EU and Mexico, studies the actual state of commerce between the two parts, and the obstacles in its path; and finally, it emphasizes the need to actualize the institutional structures that underpin this commercial interchange.

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How to Cite
de Mateo, Fernando. 2022. “Commercial Relations Between Mexico and the European Union”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 49 (April):194-219.