El litigio: mecanismo de protección de los nacionales mexicanos frente al tráfico y venta de armas en Estados Unidos

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Alejandro Celorio-Alcántara


This article aims to briefly describe the jurisdictional and litigation mechanisms available to victims of gunfire in the United States, as well as the current challenges in this area. The aim is to demonstrate the importance of the government of Mexico entering into the issue and fostering a bilateral relationship with its northern neighbor, under the premise of shared responsibility, in order to protect and safeguard the human dignity of Mexicans in the United States and co-nationals in the own country.

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How to Cite
Celorio-Alcántara, Alejandro. 2021. “El Litigio: Mecanismo De protección De Los Nacionales Mexicanos Frente Al tráfico Y Venta De Armas En Estados Unidos”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. Especial 2020 (June):250-61. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/122.
México y Estados Unidos