The Fourth World Conference on Women in the Global Agenda of ONU

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Aída González-Martínez


Even though much has been done for the improvement of womens condition the Beijing Conference showed that there are still many problems to be solved. this paper identifies three stages in the recognition of the equality of women dring the period 1946-1995. Furthermore, it analyzes the preparatory process of the conferece and the document issued from it. The paper examines the influence of the world political context in the adoption of the documents of the three previous conferences as well as the process itself of investigation and negotiation wich led to the adoption of the Platform of Action of Beijing and the dispositions it contains for its application. Finally, it emphasizes the relationship between the Fourth World conference on Women and the international conferences and summit reunions held the last five years. The conclusions emphasize the overall importance of the subject on womens condition and the pressing need to eliminate all existing barriers standing against her full and equal participation in society. In this context, the undeniable validity of the Beijing Conference is stressed.

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How to Cite
González-Martínez, Aída. 2022. “The Fourth World Conference on Women in the Global Agenda of ONU”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 48 (April):14-41.