The Access of Women to Education and the Multilateral Agenda

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Gabriela Delgado-Ballesteros


The prevailing situation of disparity, deficiency and poverty, as well of the unequal access to educational services between men and women, was one of the spheres of special concern identified by the Conference of Beijing. This paper examines the compromises and actions which were adopted by the participants of the conference for that matter of concern. The first section brings in to account the importance of the subject on education in the documents issued by conferences, conventions, and summits organized by the United Nations, including the Fourth World Conference on Women held between 1975 and 1995 The second section focuses on the agreement adopted in Beijing and emphasizes their importance for the Mexican case.

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How to Cite
Delgado-Ballesteros, Gabriela. 2022. “The Access of Women to Education and the Multilateral Agenda”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 48 (April):140-51.