Mexicans Condemned to Death in United States: Mexico's Consulates Labour

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Francisco González de Cossío


There are 23 Mexicans sentenced to death in the United States, 8 of them in Texas. The help offered by the Mexican government to these compatriots, through the consulates, includes contact with them and their families, their lawyers, non-governmental organizations that can help their cause, and others. The assistance given varies from executive clemency requests, judicial assistance during the process, economic assistance when it is necessary due to the condemned family's lack of resources, etc. The Mexican government carefully follows each of these cases, watches that all processes of law respect the United States judicial norms and considering the generalized feeling in Mexican society against the death penalty, tries to avoid, within the permitted resources of the American jurisprudence, the execution of our compatriots.

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How to Cite
González de Cossío, Francisco. 2022. “Mexicans Condemned to Death in United States: Mexico’s Consulates Labour”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 46 (April):102-25.