The Changes of Modern Diplomacy

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Miguel Ángel Ochoa Brun


The Spanish ambassador Miguel Ángel Ochoa Brun affirms that the changes in diplomacy have been repeated at different times, but warns of the error of taking the superficial elements of diplomacy, which are the ones that change, as if they were the essential ones. In his analysis he resorts to a constant coming and going between different times, with which he illustrates the essential elements of diplomacy, but rather as phenomena of evolution; In addition, he presents the features of contemporary diplomacy and the profile that, in his opinion, he should have as the diplomat of tomorrow.

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How to Cite
Ochoa Brun, Miguel Ángel. 2022. “The Changes of Modern Diplomacy”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 45 (April):34-46.