Mexican Migration to the United States and Its Impact on the Bilateral Relationship

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Jorge Castro-Valle K.


In this universe, Mexican migration to the United States is distinguished from other flows by its eminently economic-labour nature and has its origin in the asymmetry between the levels of development of one country and another, in the growing interdependence of their economies and in a increasing integration of their labor markets. As a priority issue on the bilateral agenda, migration is imbued with that potential for conflict and tension that, despite the new spirit of cooperation, is always latent in a relationship as complex and intense as the one between Mexico and the United States. In many ways, migration has become a true litmus test that will measure the political will and the capacity of both governments to work together in the search for formulas to confront and learn to manage a problem that stands out for its political, economic and , social and human.

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How to Cite
Castro-Valle K., Jorge. 1994. “Mexican Migration to the United States and Its Impact on the Bilateral Relationship”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 44 (October):31-38.