The Policy towards Africa, Asia and The Middle East: 1988-1994

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Jorge Chen-Charpentier


This essay offers a brief overview of the main actions of our country in Africa, Asia and the Middle East during the current administration, based on the internal and external factors that influenced the design of Mexican foreign policy towards these regions. Likewise, some of the main elements of the evolution of the aforementioned regions, which have had an impact on bilateral relations, are analyzed, and suggestions are made on the possible lines of action of Mexico towards that area in the coming years. To this end, a series of general considerations about the world panorama are presented first; subsequently, the response of our country to the changes in the international system is pointed out; the main actions of Mexico in the regions in question are analyzed and, finally, elements are indicated that could serve to guide our diplomatic activity towards these areas in the coming years.

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How to Cite
Chen-Charpentier, Jorge. 1994. “The Policy towards Africa, Asia and The Middle East: 1988-1994”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 44 (October):117-30.