The Neutrality of the Panama Canal

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Ignacio Gutiérrez-Pita


The vision of the present and future of the Panama Canal, with respect to the expectations of its people, is far from achieving the objectives for which a long process began. The strategic interests of the United States in 1977, the date of signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, have changed substantially if they are compared with those specific ones that they could still have as the terms of return contemplated in the treaties approach, together with which humanity will pass through a new century and will know the new millennium. This essay analyzes important aspects of the legal regime of the Panama Canal in general, as well as that related to its neutrality in particular, considering that precisely this statute violates the interests of the country.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-Pita, Ignacio. 1994. “The Neutrality of the Panama Canal”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 43 (June):46-65.