Davos 1994: The Redefinition of Schemes

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Javier Rosado-Vives


Headquarters of the World Economic Forum (WEF) since 1971, Davos has become one of the main decision-making centers for shaping the economic policies that define the behavior of the capitalist world. Since its creation almost a quarter of a century ago, it has been formally an autonomous, impartial and non-profit institution dedicated to promoting the "processes of political, economic and business leadership" of the international community. The image of prestige and influence that surrounds the WEF has been growing steadily until it has become one of the forums for economic and political projection with the greatest specific weight in the entire world. The 1994 edition of the Forum gained particular importance under the slogan "Redefining the basic assumptions of the world economy".

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How to Cite
Rosado-Vives, Javier. 1994. “Davos 1994: The Redefinition of Schemes”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 43 (June):112-20. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/1410.