Mexico’s Foreign Policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean 2012-2018, Accomplishments and Foresight

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Luis Alfonso de Alba Góngora


The purpose of this article is to explain the main achievements attained, during the last six years, in Mexico’s foreign policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean. In an introductory fashion, the features of the regional context in 2012 are explained, as well as the foreign policy objectives defined by the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto. Hereafter, the article points out the courses of action deployed to strengthen Mexico’s relations with Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, and its participation in regional multilateral fora. The concluding remarks reflect upon the challenges of the current global context and its implications for Mexico’s projection in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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How to Cite
de Alba Góngora, Luis Alfonso. 2018. “Mexico’s Foreign Policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean 2012-2018, Accomplishments and Foresight”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 114 (November):9-33.