Future of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations System

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Mauricio Chávez-Medina


With the end of the Cold War, the specialized international organizations of the United Nations have lost importance as forums for negotiation and cooperation; this occurs in parallel with the weakening of multilateralism. This essay makes a general balance of its situation and analyzes the effects of bilateralism and the formation of regional blocs, the pre-eminence of economic issues on the international agenda, the transfer of global issues to other forums and the inability of these organizations to link with global issues within their sphere of competence.

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How to Cite
Chávez-Medina, Mauricio. 1993. “Future of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations System”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 40-41 (December):72-85. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/1546.