Second Ibero-American Summit: Perspective Agreements and Joint Declaration

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Second Ibero-American Summit


Taking stock of what was achieved in the two meetings of Ibero-American countries, it can be affirmed that these meetings mark the beginning of a new participation of this part of the world in the current international context. Thanks to this, the lines have been defined so that Ibero-America is inserted into the new world dynamics as an interlocutor equivalent to the new international actors and not from a condition of subordination. The main novelty of this forum is not its geopolitical composition, but the fact that it is the first effort of the Ibero-American states to enter, cohesively, into a reality that is defined by two apparently contradictory phenomena that tend to dislocate the nation-state: the globalization and the regionalization of development, on the one hand, and the explosion of ethnic and religious minorities, on the other.

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How to Cite
Segunda Cumbre Iberoamericana. 1992. “Second Ibero-American Summit: Perspective Agreements and Joint Declaration”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 36-37 (December):104-13.
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