La colaboración entre México y la Unión Europea para combatir el tráfico ilícito de armas: perspectiva estratégica

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Mauricio Escanero
Noel González-Segura


On the basis of shared principles and values, the respective institutional strengths and a significant set of converging political perspectives and social aspirations, Mexico and the European Union are strengthening their collaboration to combat the illicit trafficking into Mexican territory of weapons of European origin and manufactured by European companies in third countries. The programs and concerted actions between Mexico and the European Union, outlined briefly in this article, contribute they provide with new perspectives that could be useful for strengthening and enriching Mexico’s overall strategy for combating illicit firearms trafficking.

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How to Cite
Escanero, Mauricio, and Noel González-Segura. 2020. “La colaboración Entre México Y La Unión Europea Para Combatir El tráfico ilícito De Armas: Perspectiva estratégica”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. Especial 2020 (June):319-28.
México y el mundo