Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Security Council: Toward a New Humanitarian Calling

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Judith Arrieta-Munguía


This analysis, which, will focus on the Security Council, is based on the cross-cutting approach of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. This approach admits the inclusion of the human element in Security Council matters that have a humanitarian impact, as is the case with illicit flows of weapons. Furthermore, it makes it possible to identify common ground between different approaches, and synergies between the various dialogues and international legal instruments on illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons.

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How to Cite
Arrieta-Munguía, Judith. 2020. “Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Security Council: Toward a New Humanitarian Calling”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. Especial 2020 (June):131-42.
Mexico and the World