From the End of the War to a Sustainable Peace: Mexico’s Role in Central America (1983-2018)

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Agustín García-López Loaeza
Marcela Valdivia-Correa



In the 1980s, Mexico's role was crucial in promoting a diplomatic crusade that, despite its limits, catalyzed external efforts to find a peaceful solution. Over time, this diplomacy has been complemented with concrete actions for development, the promotion of efforts and own resources and those of third parties, and a multifaceted cooperation program that tries to respond to the various challenges facing the region.

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How to Cite
García-López Loaeza, Agustín, and Marcela Valdivia-Correa. 2022. “From the End of the War to a Sustainable Peace: Mexico’s Role in Central America (1983-2018)”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 114 (March):211-19.
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