Canadian Foreign Policy toward Latin America, from Harper to Trudeau: A Return to Middle Power Internationalism?

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Laura Macdonald


This article reviews the history of Canada’s role in Latin America, and examines the shift from the policies of the Conservative government of Stephen Harper (2006-2015) to the current Liberal administration of Justin Trudeau (2015 to present). It argues that the transition from the more conservative and realist government of Harper toward the more progressive and liberal internationalist policies of Trudeau creates potential for Canada to play a constructive role in the region. However there are some strong elements of continuity between the two governments, particularly related to promotion of trade and investment in the mining sector.

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How to Cite
Macdonald, Laura. 2022. “Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Latin America, from Harper to Trudeau: A Return to Middle Power Internationalism?”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 114 (March):177-98.