México and the European Union in the Struggle for Gender Equality

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Bárbara Magaña Martínez
Diego Ruiz Gayol


Mexico and the European Union share the struggle for gender equality and the elimination of discrimination and violence against women. At the national level, they promote laws and policies that seek social and cultural changes. In multilateral forums, they jointly promote progressive standards that support and direct internal strategies. At the bilateral level, they use political dialogue, monitoring, recommendations and even diplomatic pressure.

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How to Cite
Magaña Martínez, Bárbara, and Diego Ruiz Gayol. 2022. “México and the European Union in the Struggle for Gender Equality”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 112 (March):49-67. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/260.