APEC: Post-COVID-19 Recovery. Inclusive, Sustainable and Low-carbon Growth

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Antonina Ivanova-Boncheva
Vania De la Vega Shiota-González


This article focuses on the APEC goals related to sustainability, which are a key point of the post-COVID-19 recovery and could be driven by the use of market instruments, but also by a regulatory framework and public, private and social cooperation that promote innovation in business, as well as socio-cultural changes. The authors also explain the relationship between economic growth in the region and women’s participation.

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How to Cite
Ivanova-Boncheva, Antonina, and Vania De la Vega Shiota-González. 2024. “APEC: Post-COVID-19 Recovery. Inclusive, Sustainable and Low-Carbon Growth”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 128 (April):41-65. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/2659.