The Paradoxes of Euro-scepticism, Inextricable from the European Project

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Stéphan Sberro


Brexit is the latest manifestation of a wave of Euroscepticism that seems to submerge and sink the European project in an unstoppable way. After recognizing the seriousness of the problem for the EU; we will explain how this phenomenon is structural and inevitable because it is an inescapable part of the integration mechanism. Finally, we will go so far as to argue that, paradoxically, the success of integration automatically leads to the progress of Euroscepticism. It is therefore likely, although not certain of course, that Euroscepticism will not prevent the consolidation of the EU as a pole of power in International Relations.

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How to Cite
Sberro, Stéphan. 2022. “The Paradoxes of Euro-Scepticism, Inextricable from the European Project”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 112 (March):185-99.