Mexico and Turkey facing the Sustainable Development Goals

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Martha Bárcena-Coqui
Sergio Aguirre-Gamboa


The authors present a comparative analysis of the positions of Mexico and Turkey with regards to the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This investigation begins with an analysis of lessons learned in both countries regarding the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and national positions adopted during the various processes that will lead up to the establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals. The authors examine the role of emerging powers, particularly Mexico and Turkey, in the design and implementation of the new framework, at a time when the global South has the potential to affect the formation of a new global development paradigm.

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How to Cite
Bárcena-Coqui, Martha, and Sergio Aguirre-Gamboa. 2015. “Mexico and Turkey Facing the Sustainable Development Goals”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 103 (April):65-88.