Skilled Migration: Between the Loss of Talent and the Opportunity to Transform Mexico with Innovation

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Raúl Delgado Wise
Mónica Chávez Elorza


The Mexican highly skilled diaspora has undergone an exponential growth during the last decades to the degree that nowadays there are 1.2 million qualified migrants of Mexican origin worldwide, 300 000 of them have a graduate degree and are settled in at least 67 countries. This article offers a radiography of this strategic segment of the country’s diaspora, highlighting some of the most critical aspects of the national and international context in which it is embedded and participates. To change this path and transform it into a development opportunity constitutes one of the main challenges for Mexico in terms of public policy.

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How to Cite
Delgado Wise, Raúl, and Mónica Chávez Elorza. 2022. “Skilled Migration: Between the Loss of Talent and the Opportunity to Transform Mexico With Innovation”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 107 (March):109-27.