Images of the Tour of President Adolfo López Mateos through South America in 1960

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Matías Romero Institute


In 2014, the Latin American Integration Association (Aladi), created in 1980 as a successor entity to the Latin American Free Trade Association (Alalc), recognized the importance that the goodwill tour had for the process of conformation of that integration project. by naming President López Mateos an illustrious citizen of Latin America. Below is a selection of photographs of President López Mateos during his tour of South America in 1960.

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How to Cite
Instituto Matías Romero. 2022. “Images of the Tour of President Adolfo López Mateos through South America in 1960”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 106 (March):251-61.
Presidential Diplomacy and Mexico’s Entry into ALALC