Innovation as an Element of Foreign Policy. Mexico’s Role in the WIPO

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José R. López de León
Luis Antonio Medina Romero


New paradigms relating to economic development, technological progress, scientific discoveries, climate change, demographic explosions, global security and the polarization of wealth determine the international agenda in today’s complex world in which regional powers emerge strengthened by their territorial or demographic characteristics, the performance of the economy and international trade. As such, States need to adjust their domestic and foreign policies to account for these realities and foster a level of economic development that effectively contributes to the wellbeing of their populations. Mexico is no exception. According to José Ramón López de León and Luis Antonio Medina, despite progress in the search for macroeconomic stability, Mexico has not consolidated its position as a high-impact, high-quality producer of science and technology. In the authors’ opinion, links between the academic/scientific community and the business apparatus need to be strengthened, which will require an intellectual property system designed to achievelasting innovation, spurred by an enterprising spirit, access tocapital, smart fiscal policies, a skilled workforce, and a responsible, respectful attitude toward the environment. The Department of Foreign Affairs (sre), they say, has a vital role to play in promoting an economy based on knowledge and innovation, by endorsing public policies that protect intellectual property, exploit the experience and knowledge of the World Intellectual Property Organization (wipo) and help coordinate the various functions of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, the National Copyright Institute, the National Science and Technology Council, universities and scientific and technological research centers. López de León and Medina go on to underline the importance of drawing up a long-term strategy vis-à-vis the WIPO and training diplomatic corps in intellectual property issues so the full potential of the WIPO can be effectively deployed in the interests of Mexico’s economic development. 

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How to Cite
López de León, José R., and Luis Antonio Medina Romero. 2022. “Innovation As an Element of Foreign Policy. Mexico’s Role in the WIPO”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 95 (March):113-42.