Health. Accessible to All? An International Perspective

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Miguel Ángel Toscano Velasco


In the past, to speak of health was to refer to the wellbeing of the population; today, the term encompasses national security, economic development, changes in population and vector-borne diseases, and a whole host of other issues. In his article, Miguel Ángel Toscano discusses relevant topics on the international agenda and that of the World Health Organization (WHO), including the AH1N1 flu pandemic and Mexico’s undertaking in this context, non-contagious diseases, hiv/aids, disability in the world, traffic accidents and other threats to world health, such as bio-terrorism, climate change, the strengthening of health agencies worldwide and who reforms. Toscano rounds off with a discussion of WHO policies, the role Mexico has played in these and the way in which they have been implemented.

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How to Cite
Toscano Velasco, Miguel Ángel. 2022. “Health. Accessible to All? An International Perspective”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 95 (March):143-73.