Public Diplomacy: Theoretical Considerations

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Nicholas J. Cull


In his reflexion of public diplomacy and its theoretical shortfalls, Nicholas J. Cull supports his arguments with credible sources, referring to concepts, categories and taxonomies of history, international relations and the public administration apparatus. He begins his essay by differentiating the old brand of public diplomacy from the new, more globalized one. The emergence of new ngos, the use of new technologies to communicate with international audiences, the blurring of the lines between national and international spheres of communication and the adoption of new concepts, such as country brand and soft power, are just some of the key factors he underlines and that have come to define the new brand of public diplomacy that has indubitably taken center stage. Cull then proceeds to analyze the evolution of public diplomacy as a concept and the main approaches it has taken. Each of its components—listening, the championing of causes, cultural diplomacy and exchange, international broadcasting, communications, etc.—are discussed at length, the conclusion being that our new public diplomacy is a response to recent changes in the area of international communications, particularly the role of new technology and the impact it has had on broadcasting and cultural exchange in the era of YouTube, Second Life and virtual online worlds, etc. According to the author, public diplomacy remains important in international relations, where we should return to the art of listening as our starting point and draw on the experiences of the past as we forge a solid path forward, hence his emphasis on the need to conceptualize the work of the public diplomat as a creator and propagator of memes, and as a facilitator in the building of networks and relations.

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How to Cite
Cull, Nicholas J. 2022. “Public Diplomacy: Theoretical Considerations”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 85 (March):55-92.