Toward a New Integration Discourse

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Horacio Cerutti Guldberg


Horacio Cerutti’s analysis of Latin American integration looks at the main theoretical aspects of the existing integration model and uncovers the weaknesses of its predominant arguments. In his essay, he employs the tools of political philosophy to discuss key topics inherent to the concept of integration, such as shared history, common culture, language, globalization, identity and borders. He then goes on to suggest hypotheses that shed fresh light on these topics, paving the way for a new discourse that will serve as a foundation for the academic world, political life and the communications media. Cerruti’s new discourse does not aim to legitimize a regimented, imposed form of integration, but to open the door to a model of integration that springs from the very essence of our shared history and common culture.

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How to Cite
Cerutti Guldberg, Horacio. 2022. “Toward a New Integration Discourse”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 84 (March):43-68.