Nepad: An Expression of African Rebirth

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Celma Agüero


The first part of this article explains the background, nature and meaning of African Rebirth on the threshold of the 21st century. This rebirth, which began to take shape in South Africa through Nelson Mandela, implies a break with colonialism and paternalistic forms of bilateral cooperation with industrialized nations. It also calls for a revitalized historical awareness and a fresh vision of the future. The second part of the article describes the emergence, structure, development and functioning of the New Partnership for African Development Programme (Nepad), which is an expression of one of the underlying concepts of African Rebirth.

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How to Cite
Agüero, Celma. 2022. “Nepad: An Expression of African Rebirth”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 67-68 (March):101-21.