The sad events that occurred in the country during the last fortnight of September particularly affected Mexico City, transforming daily activities. The cosmopolitan character of the great city generated a disturbing expectation in all the nations of the Earth. The tremor affected the national life, but allowed the action and solidarity of the Mexican people, as well as the consolidation and strengthening of friendship with all the peoples and governments of the world. These, with a great spirit of service and willingness to cooperate, have testified to the high appreciation that exists for our country, which is a reflection of a principled foreign policy and the defense, even in adversity, of the best and progressive causes of humanity. , as well as the kindness of the bonds of brotherhood and collaboration that we have been able to create with all nations, turned to rescue and recovery efforts, working together as one body with our people. This issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior, taking advantage of the closure of this edition, stands as a platform of sincere and fraternal gratitude to the international community for the invaluable moral and supportive support provided to the People and Government of Mexico. This edition brings together the works exhibited by leading specialists in the Cycle of Conferences on Disarmament Related to Conventional Weapons, organized by the Matías Romero Institute for Diplomatic Studies, from April 22 to 26, 1985. In all the essays, some of the efforts that Mexico does to create and build an adequate line of action on disarmament, both nuclear and conventional.

Published: 1985-12-02