Illustrating the trajectory, the role of the institutions and the permanent struggle that Mexico wages in favor of a fairer and freer world society, is the objective of this issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior. With the intention of following the thread that links history and contemporaneity, the "Essays" section presents a series of works by prominent public officials on the congruence between the ends and means that our country has chosen to guide its conciliatory participation in Central America; Mexico's international participation, which is both committed and dynamic; economic and social development, and article 76 of the Constitution. In the "Notes and Reports" section, materials are included that show the tenacious effort of harmony and cooperation that has earned Mexico sincere recognition from the international community and the gratitude with which we receive foreign aid. We highlight the most important pronouncements of the President of the Republic and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the "Statements and Documents" section.

Published: 1986-03-28