In 1985, within the framework of the celebration of the beginning of two basic feats for the country, that is, Independence and the Revolution, the Mexican Foreign Ministry, through its academic body, the Matías Romero Institute for Diplomatic Studies, organized a Cycle of Commemorative Conferences of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, in which distinguished officials and representatives of the academic world participated. The result of their deliberations and exchanges is the content of this issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior. The first group of essays refers to the guidelines and principles of the foreign policy of Lázaro Cárdenas, which was the occasion for a series of actions ranging from his intransigent defense of the right of asylum to non-intervention, passing through the sovereignty of natural resources, mainly oil. In the second group, the authors return to fundamental aspects of the international theory and praxis of the first social revolution of the 20th century, as well as its doctrinal consistency. Reflection and well-deserved homage is the tone presented by the works on the international thought of Jesús Reyes Heroles and Jesús Silva Herzog.

Published: 1986-06-30