With this issue, the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior begins a new cycle in which the study of Mexico's international relations continues to be the focus of its collaborators' reflections. We also reiterate the hope of counting on the customary and enthusiastic cooperation of diplomats, academics and officials from Mexico and other countries, so that with their ideas they contribute to raising the levels of debate and its diversity in the study of our foreign policy. We hope that the magazine that the reader has in his hands is the best evidence of what was previously established. The topics covered in this issue are: the Vienna Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; the Latin American debt and the Baker Plan, the legal reinforcement of the principles of foreign policy, the Magdalena Bay episode. It also includes the speech of the president of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, before the XLIII regular session of the UN General Assembly.
The Mexican Foreign Policy Review renews its willingness to contribute to the dissemination of thought and debate on issues that transform the world; Likewise, it makes explicit its desire to help achieve the goals that this administration has set in the field of the country's foreign policy.

Published: 1989-03-30