This issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior is a retrospective and a balance of the achievements and limitations of Mexican diplomacy in the current six-year period, for this reason it is published, first of all, the papers that high officials of the Foreign Ministry presented during the evaluation session of the foreign policy of the government of President Miguel de la Madrid, held at the Official Residence of Los Pinos on October 14, 1988. In all the interventions there is a reflective tone that moves away from commonplaces, which which allows to put together a serious informative base that is basic for the understanding of Mexican foreign policy in the period 1982-1988.

Closing with this issue a cycle of activities that, we would like to think, has been instructive and fruitful, the board of directors of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior wishes to thank you for your collaboration. of the authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that have made its appearance possible, either by facilitating the financing and compliance with the administrative procedures required for it, or, in the case of the Editorial Board, evaluating the various materials to be published, as well as to all those who supported us through their enthusiastic collaborations and comments. Without all this, and without the daily work of the support staff (secretaries, editors, translators and distribution managers), it would not have been possible to bring our work to fruition. Finally, we express our hope that during this time we have contributed positively to the dissemination of theory, practice and debate on Mexico's foreign policy, one of the country's most important and best traditions.

Published: 1988-12-01