Slowly but surely, a new era of peace seems to be making its way into international relations. Within the East-West relationship, transformations in the political and economic constellation inside and outside each of the two superpowers facilitated the negotiation of an intermediate-range missile treaty in Asia and Europe. Regarding the situation in Central America, on August 7, the so-called Procedure to establish firm and lasting peace in Central America was signed in the city of Esquipulas, Guatemala, by the governments of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala , Honduras and Nicaragua. Somehow, the topics referred to, along with others of undoubted interest for Mexican diplomacy, are not unrelated to the content of this issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior, with which this publication closes a year full of challenges and hopes. We hope that this edition provides evidence on the long march that the world has undertaken towards peace. The following months will confirm or rectify our optimism.

Published: 1987-12-01