In issue 104 of Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior "Local Governments: International Actors", the increasing prominence that local and regional governments acquire on the international scene is highlighted, questioning the traditional vision of international relations and opening a panorama to a new type of foreign connection, from the local, with relationships based on horizontality, strategic alliances and interdependence. The coordinators invited a representative panel of European and Latin American experts, who contribute to the debate from two complementary perspectives: the theoretical analysis of the academy and the practical experience of professionals in local governments.

Published: 2015-08-30

Local Governments: International Actors

Emilio Suárez-Licona, Eugène D. Zapata-Garesché


A Photographic Look at a Century of Municipal Activism, 1913-2015

Alianza Euro-Latinoamericana de Cooperación entre Ciudades Proyecto AL-LAs
