Five years after its launch, the Pacific Alliance stands out for its ability to generate substantive agreements among its members and for consolidating itself as a mechanism for deep integration, with a regional scope and open to other integration spaces, in accordance with the trends that they define the logic of global trade in the world of the 21st century. With great political will and a good dose of pragmatism, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru have built an ambitious alliance based on the free mobility of goods, services, capital, and people, adding to this cooperation for development. Due to the relevance that the Alliance has in the Latin American, Caribbean and global spheres, the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior has decided to dedicate its 106th issue to it.

Published: 2016-04-30

The Pacific Alliance Chronology

Luis Ochoa-Bilbao, Pedro Manuel Rodríguez Suárez
