In the international framework, Mexico was one of the first countries to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and later ratified the complementary documents. With its ratification, Mexico tried to strengthen an international obligation by striving, at the same time, to join the collective task in search of peace and justice, in a century that has seen the massive violation of such rights as a constant and not as an exception. In every political system, it should be advocated that the knowledge of citizens in this matter be expanded in a way that strengthens public support for a policy that is increasingly committed to respecting these freedoms. A deep concern for the subject is an essential element in the formation of responsible and participatory citizens. For these reasons, the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior, by endorsing this concern, has decided to dedicate its third issue to human rights, collecting materials and concepts exposed during the act that the Matías Romero Institute for Diplomatic Studies organized on the occasion of the commemoration of the XXXV Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The authors of the articles included in this issue share their worries and concerns, providing their points of view on the problems of refugees, the different practices that violate human rights in the world, ethnic groups and the outrages on their cultures and habitat , discrimination against women, among others.

Published: 1984-06-29