The long and sometimes exasperating process of forming a political will that acts in the direction of greater Latin American integration now seems to find a propitious moment because powerful stimuli are coming into synchrony: the consolidation of blocs and that there are conditions that reverse or modify some of the causes that have undermined the realization, among them, the weight of unfavorable influence of the hegemonic powers, the tenacious existence of dictatorial regimes, the scarce complementarity and open competition between the markets of the area, the deficiencies in the communication channels and systems , and the lack of a "culture of integration". This edition of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior wants to contribute to the necessary debate on the future of these processes, in the context of Latin American relations with the United States, under the understanding that a good part of the paths that the integrationist idea takes will depend on the effort intellectual in the search for better unitary alternatives.

Published: 1990-12-03