Latin America as a Peace Zone: The Problem of Arms Control

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Sergio González-Gálvez


The Treaty of Tlatelolco made Latin America a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone (NWFZ). On Mexico's initiative, Latin America decided to begin talks in order to face two serious problems: illegal weapons trafficking fírst of a 11, a phenomenon that worsens problems like drug trafficking, terrorism and organized crime, and secondly, control of conventional offensive weapons in the region. The purpose of this is to avoid the diversion offunds needed for development of Latin American countries. Besides being a NWFZ, Latin America's desire is to be an all-round zone of peace and development. This essay is divided into two large sections: the first analyzes the need to reach disarmament agreements; the second does an historical study ofdisarmament proposals in Latin America. The essay stresses the basis laid down by the governments of the region to undertake new efforts that ensure new disarmament agreements to make Latin America a peaceful, prosperous zone, through talks.

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How to Cite
González-Gálvez, Sergio. 2022. “Latin America As a Peace Zone: The Problem of Arms Control”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 50 (April):17-33.