Light and Shadows in the United Nations’ 50th Anniversary

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Olga Pellicer


The nineties were a decade that was initially full of optimism regarding the UN’s capacity for participating in the solution of the great international problems which characterize the final years of the 20th century. Recent developments have diminished this optimism. Whilst it is the case that the UN has made important contributions towards the reestablishment of peace in many conflicts, through the use of instruments such as mediation, good offices, functions of support for dialogue and negotiation, etc., some of its recent actions, especially those linked to the use of force, have not joined the international community in a unanimous consensus. This, together with the international organization's difficulties with the process of reform, its recurrent financial crises, and the political manipulation to which it is subjected by the most powerful nations, amongst other problems, bring incertitude and disenchantment toward the United Nations. The responsibility of reaching the ideals established in the 1945 San Francisco Charter shall now fall upon the UN’s member nations.

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How to Cite
Pellicer, Olga. 2022. “Light and Shadows in the United Nations’ 50th Anniversary”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 47 (April):32-46.