Russia: Two Projects for a Reform: Rapid Structural Change and the Response of the Nomenklatura

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Ana Teresa Gutiérrez del Cid


Due to the importance of economic reform and internal political debates in Russia for the design of a new strategy in foreign policy, in this essay the link between internal and foreign policy is observed, starting from the hypothesis that the foreign policy is closely linked to internal political processes and depends on the national interest of the country in question; In addition, the political forces that intervene in the elaboration of a new line of conduction of foreign policy are analyzed. For this work, two instances of power are taken into account until September 1993 (the date on which the Russian Parliament was suppressed), and from that moment on, the executive instance.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez del Cid, Ana Teresa. 1994. “Russia: Two Projects for a Reform: Rapid Structural Change and the Response of the Nomenklatura”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 43 (June):80-97.