Mexico’s Renewed Presence and Influence in South America

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Víctor Hugo Morales-Meléndez


The reinforcement, during the current administration, of Mexico’s vocation and association towards Latin-America has given the country the strength and capacity to solidify itself as a relevant regional actor, allowing for greater dialogue and an increased influence in South America. This article analyzes the strategy and actions undertaken by the Government of President Enrique Peña Nieto towards South America, the obstacles it has faced and the challenges that remain; above all it provides a testimony of the foreign policy that has consolidated the position and prestige of Mexico in the south of the continent.

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How to Cite
Morales-Meléndez, Víctor Hugo. 2018. “Mexico’s Renewed Presence and Influence in South America”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 114 (November):63-83.