Russia’s Emergence as a BRICS Power and the Return of Vladimir Putin

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Ana Teresa Gutiérrez del Cid


In 2000, Russia embarked on a process of economic growth that was symbolically consolidated by Vladimir Putin’s victory in the 2012 presidential elections. Nonetheless, as a member of the so-called brics group, Russia still has some hard work to do to position itself as an emerging power. According to Ana Teresa Gutiérrez del Cid, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union the country has made a remarkable recovery under extremely difficult circumstances, to the extent that it is now deemed a successful emerging economy. That said, if Russia wants to become a power based on more than its energy exports, it needs to develop specific areas of its economy, like its industrial sector. On the subject of foreign policy, the author analyzes Russia’s relations with China and the United States—its two main strategic partners—, and the growing importance of its ties to Germany in the context of its geopolitical repositioning.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez del Cid, Ana Teresa. 2022. “Russia’s Emergence As a BRICS Power and the Return of Vladimir Putin”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 97 (March):65-107.