Perspectives on the Rio and Johannesburg Summits. Will Sustainable and Equitable Development Strategies become a Reality?
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The author analyzes the suggestions and recommendations put forward at the Johannesburg Summit and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992), otherwise known as the Rio Summit. This summit, he says, pointed the way toward a new concept in sustainable, equitable development, marking a turning point for humanity. The author also weighs up the results of the Johannesburg Summit in general terms and underlines the most serious effects economic activity has on the environment. He conAbstracts cludes by stating that sustainable and equitable development depends on creating the conditions that will enable human beings to live together in peace and harmony and that will ensure their survival in the long term.
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How to Cite
Urquidi, Víctor L. 2022. “Perspectives on the Rio and Johannesburg Summits. Will Sustainable and Equitable Development Strategies Become a Reality?”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 67-68 (March):55-72.