Migration Problems on Mexico’s Northern Border This

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Jorge Santibáñez-Romellón


This article describes and analyzes the current situation of Mexicans who migrate to and from the United States. The various factors that have given rise to this situation are all interrelated, such as the disparate conditions migrants live in during their time in the United States; the quantitative dimensions of the migratory process, for which data and charts are provided; interaction with other migrants and with their native communities, where aspects such as the sending home of remittances are discussed; the vulnerability of immigrants and the risks to which they are exposed; the impact of migration on border communities, and the relationship between US migratory policy and national security. By way of a conclusion, the author says he believes this scenario will not change substantially over the next 15 years and that Mexico needs to draw up a State migratory policy.

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How to Cite
Santibáñez-Romellón, Jorge. 2022. “Migration Problems on Mexico’s Northern Border This”. Revista Mexicana De Política Exterior, no. 70 (March):117-34. https://revistadigital.sre.gob.mx/index.php/rmpe/article/view/933.